Through the years of war and peace your days are numbered The blood is spilt the rain falls Broken hourglasses once marked time's passage I have suffered for too long Too many years to count the losses Fires burn the world to ashes Times marked by the nicks in the wall Just can't take it anymore Fight to live, live to fight One chance to make it right again Fight to live, live to fight One chance to regain sight again Another day in paradise, my blood runs colder Careless my soul dies My flesh is torn and scarred my hands are callused I have suffered throughout my life I'm alive but my soul is dead now The glass is empty as your heart is Time marked by nicks in the wall Just can't take it anymore Fight to live, live to fight One chance to make it right again Fight to live, live to fight One chance to regain sight again Fight to live! Live to fight! Fight to live! Live to fight!