The french fry was assaulted at least it could be seen that way Oh, we all love a joke unless it's about cripples, jews, or gays So your spike ring sinks in To wipe the slime off of our psyches Until we all stare forward Like Walt Disney, doe eyed, Stepford wives You say you love your brother until he moves in next door Who will pick up your melons When the Mexicans get Internet jobs? It makes you comfortable to hide your head inside yor sweatshirt Until you feel like L.L. Cool J. looks on your color T.V. screen But it all falls apart in your bedroom under the streetlight Afraid to go outside 'cause Billy said you couldn't have a gun You can't use therapy to stop some creep on PCP But kittys without claws can't rise against their masters Hitler and Stalin smiled while holding drooling babies As the trains headed out of town packed with those who weren't P.C.