remember the famous last words that someone famous said, "tell them i said something, dont let it end like this," on a re-upholstered leather couch in a cloud of tv, smoke, and cigarettes, or a mattress on a hard wood floor and an old acoustic missing stringed guitar playing that same stupid punk rock song, "weve been at the end all along," a bathroobe in the hall from a long time agos lost friend, and a note that waited ten years to tell me to remember him, he said; "its been too long since we had a day together in new york," absences as long as life is short, in the first chapter of the best book that i ever read in my life, it said, "to be reborn, first you have to die," hey, would it be alright if i used your couch to get too drunk tonight? i've spent so many days pushing my skies away so i can keep my sights squarely on the ground, reincarnations killing me