Broadway Calls

To the Sheets

Broadway Calls

I set the bar way too high.
The standard is set that I won't be reaching.
This fall, I'll have all the answers.
The same chords fill my head,
and I can't get around the words that she said,
"Make me smile, you won't owe me anything".

And she says "Just relax", but I just can't breathe.
And I wanna crawl back between the sheets.
Where she laughs and I smile and say, "Just remember this, you're alright.
And I'll be hanging around if you fall down tonight."

I'm making advances in testing my mental limits.
In my dreams I'm a burden to nobody.

The same chords fill my head,
and I can't get around the words that she said,
"Make me smile, you won't owe me anything".

I'm just a kid with a song in my head, with your face in my heart.
What could be better than this?