Broadway Calls

Bad Intentions

Broadway Calls

I belong to bad intentions
Please tell me you're not coming over tonight
I have the worst intentions
Please tell me you're not thinking the same thing

The last time I saw you
We were staring at each other across the room
I backed out, fate stepped in and we ended up alone

I'm the subject of investigation
Please excuse me if I don't come over tonight
I'm preceded by my reputation
But standing between us there is one thing

The last time I saw you
We were staring at each other across the room
I backed out, fate stepped in and we ended up alone

As we approach your door
You try to convince me it's right, that we're alright
But in the back of my mind I know we're destroying lives
You've got me down on the floor
You try to convince to convince me it's right, that we're alright
But on the tip of my tongue, I know we're destroying lives