The priest, he had been called for; the young girl, she is not well They say she speaks of these things, only seen through eyes in hell She's not been the same, since they heard her on the mountain-top Calling out her father's name You can't cast out what you don't know They'll deliver your faith the crushing blow Yog-Sothoth is the gate... is the key The Great Old Ones will be set free The holy man then arrived there in from the pouring down rain He heard demonic laughter, he heard Tanith cry out in pain Objects in the room moved themselves around and thereabout Upon her body appeared strange runes They can't cast out what you don't know They'll delver your faith the crushing blow Yog-Sothoth is the gate... is the key The Great Old Ones will be set free The priest said his prayers, the litany and the psalm Holy water was sprinkled-staring, the girl remained calm As she entered into his mind, he filled with lust... so easily taken by the succubus All evil had now broken the priest of his power He hung himself in a graveyard at the Witching Hour It's midnight... needs a fix She's got an urge that she can't live without, She pleasures herself with a crucifix, You can't cast out what you don't know They'll deliver your faith the crushing blow Yog-Sothoth is the gate... is the key The Great Old Ones will be set free