The red sun sets beyond the hill And inky shadows creep and crawl Across the graveyard winds blow chill As darkness settles like a pall There is strange evil in the night The screech-owl sings a mournful tune Where marble tombs stand stark and white Beneath the cold and pallid moon This is the night the druids ply Their wild and ancient sorceries Invoking dark things from the sky To grant their chanted, vengeful pleas O you who've caused lost souls to grieve And pass away in hopeless hate Know that upon this Hallow's Eve A dreadful doom shall be your fate Though you may chat defensive spells Invoking spirits to forfend The threat of dark, impending hells You'll not evade your destined end This is the night the druids ply Their wild and ancient sorceries Invoking dark things from the sky To grant their chanted, vengeful pleas O you who've caused lost souls to grieve And pass away in hopeless hate Know that upon this Hallow's Eve A dreadful doom shall be your fate