Dead of the night Trapped in a gale All hands on deck Take in the sails Off in the distance you hear a sound The song of the siren Don't run aground Whisper soft and sweet There's no safety out at sea Follow my voice and you'll be home again This is the song of the siren Lock up the hatches Run for you lives Abandon the ship Everyone dies Her song is soothing It pleases the ears Until you realize she's your worst fear Whisper soft and sweet There's no safety out at sea Follow my voice and you'll be home again This is the song of the siren When you see her face The time has come The end is near Flown to close to the Sun And she drags you down Into the depths below Devours your flesh She chews you to bone Whisper soft and sweet There's no safety out at sea Follow my voice and you'll be home again This is the song of the siren Follow my voice and you'll be home again This is the song of the siren