Out of the darkness and into the fire Tom, tom, tom why did you have to go? Love, my love, my love you left our heads all hanging low Out of the darkness and out to sea, woah woah woah Out of the darkness and heading out to sea Well when I heard that fateful news, I fell onto my knees Toni, Toni, Toni tell me are you with me know Mama, Mama, Mama tell me do I make you proud? Out of the darkness and into the sky woah woah woah Out of the darkness and into the sky Well they won't pull me to live a lie, won't hold me to cry Izzy, Izzy, Izzy tell me how'd you grow so strong? Sister, sister sister how'd the story go so wrong? Out of the darkness and into the trees Out of the darkness and into the trees Well come on down here little girl and sit right beside me Nico nico nico, he left us all to roam Brother brother brother you're not alone Out of the darkness and into the fire woah Woah woah out of the darkness and into the fire Out of the darkness and into the fire woah woah woah Out of the darkness and into the fire