Poor is the pupil, who does not surpass his master Colour is the day, long obsession Well tonight I paint I express and create I stumble and I procrastinate My destiny awaits cannot be late Like a funeral at the gate and so we anticipate Poor is the pupil, who does not surpass his master Colour is the day, long obsession So I paint, I shall not faint I boast of my deliberate fate The nothingness is real it has found me here I embrace the empty hollow of my soul I might be singing, if I had music ringing but the cowards are beaten like dogs Saints of creation bids you motivation is God still there for me If the music doesn't play, nothing is okay Just remember words that I say Where I lay my head is where I pray If I dig a grave, that is where I give praise Poor is the pupil, who does not surpass his master Colour is the day, long obsession Joy & torment Joy & torment Joy & torment