


When push comes to shove
And darkness swallows up love
Never been a blacker night
Than when we see the light
From glory to glory
From the beginning to the end
Everything under the sun
It is there to comprehend

Religion can’t save you now
Government can’t save you now
Even I can’t save you now
When your luck’s run out, and your luck’s run out

Angry without reason
Fighting without cause
Hostile with no enemy
Shouting to be heard
Praying for self-destruction
To be picked apart
Watching my frame dissolve
Waiting for the war to start

Religion can’t save you now
Government can’t save you now
Even I can’t save you now
When your luck’s run out, and your luck’s run out

Paralyzing distances
Between my maker and me
Death has not lessoned
Over the centuries
The world is filled with monsters
Suppress the lasting cure
Resting holy hands
On freezing graves so pure.

Religion can’t save you now
Government can’t save you now
Even I can’t save you now
When your luck’s run out, and your luck’s run out

Incomprehensible, unsearchable, indescribable
Undeniable, inconceivable, indivisible
Indiscernible, inescapable, infectious
Innumerable, inseparable, inspired
Intertwined, indwelling, internal
Intoxicating, intimate
Inundated, intricate, intrigue