My refuge, my counsel, my teacher, my friend My fortress, my redemption, my shield to the end Create in me a clean heart, send me, anoint my path Use me as an instrument of peace To quench the fires of wrath Lost within a song Trapped in my mind Stumbling on the melody It's the beat I need to find! Build a kingdom within me that will glorify your name The good news is upon me, the truth I will proclaim Don't let the deceiver me, nor the devils get in my way Mercy and truth in Jesus name Lost within a song Trapped in my mind Stumbling on the melody It's the beat I need to find! Lost within a song Trapped in my mind Stumbling on the melody It's the beat I need to find! Lost within a song Trapped in my mind Stumbling on the melody It's the beat I need to find! As I turn the page, someone else takes the stage Lost within a song Trapped in my mind