When we fall out I like to go driving in my car
Listen to something ironic and end up in a bar
Get an ear full of shit from a stranger who's got a broken
Weighing up what would be more painful
Staying with yer man or going back to her

Doesn't everybody feel this way sometimes?
It's a lose, lose situation for a shitty little crime
You can never win with women
Its pointless trying to try
It's a lose, lose situation until the day you die

Everybody knows the score
She'll be crying to the mother in law
Then I'll be sleeping out with the dog
Must give Inter Flora a call

Then we make up I'll be walking on egg shells for a day
I'll clean the house in the hope that I might get a lay
I think back to that drunken stranger, something that he said
"You made your bed so lie in it she'll be quiet when your dead"

Doesn't everybody feel this way sometimes?
It's a lose, lose situation for a shitty little crime
You can never win with women
Its pointless trying to try
It's a lose, lose situation until the day you die