Brian Marquis

Waiting For The Call

Brian Marquis

The day you left
The roof stood still
The copper, The copper began to green
You left broken
All you’ve broken
A carousel whose lost its tune
Never stopped to turn around

Big Fish stories of all your glory
Cast out a line weighted by time
Empty, lifeless and cold

Was it the bottle?
Was it your father?
Was it the worms inside your head?
You treated her like she was dead

Waiting for the call
Officer found you in a motel room
Your brains against the wall
Waiting for the call
You’ve got a new life
Two kids and a wife
And you gave up guitar

Bound and bandaged
Licking your own wounds
Repeating yourself like I’m somebody else
Shell of a man I once knew

Listen, Father
I’m not your Father
A living ghost from your past
This blame will never last
