In my many winters upon this wet & windswept coast 
I've seen kinsmen live and die 
So to those left I raise a toast 

As we drink by torchlight 
In high-gabled hallowed halls 
The boasts of fallen men still echo round these oaken walls 

Though our tribes diminish 
Though our numbers fade 
Our helms still dark, our mail bright, our fists alive with blades 

Follow the path of eagles 
As they fly to worlds on high 
So the souls of fallen men will travel when they die 

The oaths of Northern folk are borne upon the gale 
They do not die away but rise by fellows' hail! 

A pathway between the realms 
So the web is spun 
Time, place, mortality and deeds that have been done 

In the glare of sunset 
As my time draws near 
A will of graven stone remains 
Though earthly forms may disappear 

Grim-faced men in iron helms 
Through their gritted teeth deny 
When strength is drawn from other realms 
Their creed could ever die 

Embers burn within our souls 
Standards hefted to the sky 
Elements no-one controls… 
The darkest bird is yet to fly