Bretwaldas of Heathen Doom

Paths of River Root And Stone

Bretwaldas of Heathen Doom

All, save the stirring words for darkest hour of night 
When spectres scream upon the wind 
And all who bar the gate lie riven in the dust 
To no more avail, the ancient gifts of kings may rust 

I do not fear death 
I know the lots were carved and have been thrown 
Acknowledge destiny 
It takes the path of river, root and stone 

The thrones of kings are smashed and heirlooms cast aside 
…fools have scrabbled for our gold 
The air is fouled and all that gushes forth a bitter broth 
Destruction of supernature in a storm of wrath 

The winter sun is blotted out the sky turns black 
And howls of shamen fill the air 
Odinnic brotherhood, the army of the slain 
Shape-shifting madmen calling down an iron rain.