Ducks, yes ducks in outer space From the Disney Afternoon, to the moon! Wait Uncle Scrooge, you need a suit out there How are you alive? (How are you alive?) You need heat (You need heat) also air (also air) That's gotta be one expensive cane You are up on the moon looking for treasure, you've gone insane Ohhhhhh Crazy duck in space! Yeah, you're really greedy and you're old You've got a creepy Scottish accent dude, and you bathe in gold Bathe in gold! (That can't be good for you) This oughta be the ending credits theme It's a soaring song flying high like a dream But it was used as a level tune, underscoring the life of a rich hearted mallard On the real moon! Abbadabba Crazy duck in space! Oh, I hope you keep me in the will You could buy the moon and say "Put it on my bill" On my bill! You're a duck, oh my God! You've been on every single continent from Africa to Asia to cold Antarctica I always thought that ducks flew far away in wintertime But you took it way too far-ctica, way too far-ctica! Wait Uncle Scrooge, won't you take me along? You're a nincompoop. But it's such, such a great song! Though you're a bird, you're no wise old owl Houston, we have a problem: Our shuttle captain's a raving waterfowl Oh my God he is a Crazy duck in space! Dude, your nephews miss you please go back Keep on finding gold and jewels, just lay off the quack Off the quack! It's a pun and it's about ducks Ohhhhhh Scrooge McDuck you're on the Scrooge McDuck you're on the Scrooge McDuck you're on the Moon!