Put on my coat to face the night
Tell whoever’s not here that I say goodbye
Pay what I owe for these sins of mine
And Look round this room one last time
Look round this room one last time

Through the smoke, she found me
Her dark eyes were too lovely
Her kiss stopped the hurting
Take me home Lorelai

You can have yourselves another drink
Cheers to who I used to be
Her siren’s song is calling
Take me home Lorelai

It’s time to put my soul to bed
I’ve got two sore feet and an aching head
South Detroit, they were screaming it
And I never want to hear that song again
I never want to hear that song again

So When you see her dance in the campfire light
When the buzz in your head is singing just right
When you’re brave enough to meet her eyes
Oh, brother my brother it’ll be alright
Ya brother my brother it’ll be alright