Walking down a street full of faces That don't see what I see That don't hear what I hear That don't feel what I feel PUT YOUR HAND TO YOUR HEART What is it that you're afraid of? PUT YOUR HAND TO YOUR HEART What is it that you're so scared of? No matter how hard it is No matter how dark it gets I'll always see See the person that I never want to be Lie to me, lie to everyone, But all you're doing is hiding from yourself, Can't you see? Why can't you Hear what I hear? Why can't you Feel what I feel? 'Cause I don't need to see to say something's wrong Aren't we the ones that can change ourselves? Then why do we just run and hide? Why do we just ignore? No matter how hard it is No matter how dark it gets I'll always see See the person that I never want to be Lie to me, lie to everyone, But all you're doing is hiding from yourself, Can't you see? And I refuse to sit back and wait For my time here to fade away My voice is fulled with a fire That no one NO ONE WILL EVER PUT OUT No one, no one, NO FUCKING ONE So I won't stop screaming how I feel Fuck this world And I won't stop screaming And I won't...