Bratz Diamondz

Best friends

Bratz Diamondz

We'll be your friends for sure. 

Best Friends 
You know we'll never let each other down 
We're best friends 
No matter what, we'll always be around 
When you need someone to talk to 
Girls, you can count on us to be 
Your best friends 

When you're glad, when you're sad 
We will be right here 
Anything you go through 
Call us up, and share 
That's what friends are for 
We won't end our need 
Any burden that you carry 
Won't be lost to bear 

'Cause you know that we can read 
Each other's minds 
And we've got each other's backs all the time. 
So we just thought that 
We would let you know 
We'll be your friends for sure. 

Best Friends 
You know we'll never let each other down 
We're best friends 
No matter what, we'll always be around 
When you need someone to talk to 
Girls, you can count on us to be 
Your best friends 

Girlfriends, count on us. 
We will be around whenever you need us. 
Friends for life. Yes, indeed. 
We've got each other's back. 
Remember me. 
Put your hands up 
Raise your hands up 
Put up a hand for your best friends 

Best Friends 
You know we'll never let each other down 
We're best friends 
No matter what, we'll always be around 
When you need someone to talk to 
Girls, you can count on us to be 
Your best friends 
Best Friends 
Best Friends 
Best Friends 
Girls, you can count on us to be 
Your best friends