Prepare for Battle I fought for the master Darkness still lifting-reveal the messiah woe to the nations defaulted to blindness gave into desire worship the risen thousands of pardons awaiting the wicked who says the soul ends? two wormholes of death hold only one key Crumbling...promissed to you! Falling short of glory does not restrict all the fallen to rise past damnation. As the right-shears the darkness there I'll be nocturnal plane prescious blood-devoured my sadist lip crucifix-rememberance makes me rich. IT"S ON!!!!! Immersed at birth in sin-so noticebly my struggle cut way deep within my warning to you-you fight the lion alone your inward screams ducktaped-who hears you? Belial-still holds a scepter of death your stone face-the silence he loves you darkened realm-the black-through torture the bloodied goat-his chalice drains you! Father!!!-they know not what they've done Forgive us- unclean--we neal beneath your throne Lazarus come forth--example of your power my sword, a sheild, the breastplate, a hammer It's on - prepare for battle!!!! Death!!! To Abaadon!!! Die!!! Belial!!! Dear lord I am but a man; alone in such a barren place-for so long I have been fortified by the immorality of what this world has to offer-give me the strength, peace of mind and wisdom-with such a sword...who can come against me? Receive the blood-the precious blood from (the) righteous one Jesus Christ! partake in war against-pestilent whores take out-demonic force we-will-win!!! know you can't last forever