Sent a man to mars today At least that's what the marsian say Did you get your ticket to the show And all the rocks are red but at least they roar Spaceman finds himself a cold bib You know it's been a strange trip Excuse me brother if it's not too much to ask Could you show, show me where he could find some tit Clear across town, i heard about a place Where you can take all you want, could fit it on your plate And that must been a small price to pay But i can't imagine your life, another way You didn't ask for this but it is all you've got Let the good times roll babe Ready or not And i don't think there for i, i am man And why is this the hardest thing in the world for you to understand Girls and boys back home they made us up And when we raise in the morning is cause we hear the call Piccadillys circus and popping mothers pills And all those cheep blues 45s giving all the brick americanos thrills What do you call when all is brining you down We stare at the record covers and dreaming about getting our asses out of town The more you ignore the feeling the more it pulls you in The harder you try to do right, the easier it is to understand sin I didn't ask for this but it is all you got Let the good times roll babe, ready or not And i don't think there for i, i am a man Why is this the hardest thing in the world for you to understand You didn't ask for this, but it is all you've got Let the good times roll babe, ready or not And i don't think there for i,i am a man Why is this the hardest thing in the world for you to understand Why is this the hardest thing in the world for you to understand For you to understand For you to understand For you to understand