
Nodding Off


Ding, dida, ding, ding
Ding, ding, ding, ding
Dida, ding, ding, ding
Ding, dida, ding, ding
Ding, dida, ding, ding

I tried to stay up 
Cause your on 
Your way up
For the weekend 
Said you 
Wanna see me again
Said you'd be over 
Still ain't seen ya Rover
Lookin' out my window 
It's a quarter to ten
It's about that time 
I really can't stay hot
I know you wanna kick it 
And I was wit it
But I won't be trippin' 
If you don't show
Won't hear you knockin' 
They got vacancy 
At the Howard Johnson 
You know?

Don' try to call me 
Cause the ringer off
Don't try to page me
My 2-Way is lost
I had a Jones for ya 
But it seems ya lost
I tried to wait for ya 
But I'm nodding off

I watched Forrest Gump 
And put something 
On my stomach
And I called my cousin 
Ad listen to her 
Gossiping mouth
Touched up my make up 
Anything to wake up
Tryna take up some time 
While I'm waiting it out
What's the hold up? 
Thought you woulda 
Rolled up 
In the drive way
Before the day came 
Why should I wait?
I'm sleepy as hell 
And there's no way 
I can abort 
This mission 
So listen

Don' try to call me 
Cause the ringer off
Don't try to page me 
My 2-Way is lost
I had a Jones for ya 
But it seems ya lost
I tried to wait for ya 
But I'm nodding off

No hard 
Feelings really
I'm already 
Under the cover
Please don't be 
Mad at me
You gotta believe 
I still love ya

Don' try to call me 
Cause the ringer off
Don't try to page me 
My 2-Way is lost
I had a Jones for ya 
But it seems ya lost
I tried to wait for ya 
But I'm nodding off

Ding, dida, ding, ding
Ding, ding, ding, ding
Dida, ding, ding, ding
Ding, dida, ding, ding
Ding, dida, ding, ding