Well, I read the words you wrote Like a rope around my neck If I ran, I’d lose your vote Maybe I should hit the deck. Do I dare to cross your moat, And salvage this old shipwreck? Well, the dead are speaking here Through the things they’ve left behind In a letter inked in tears and emotion Stamped and signed. The messages aren’t always clear But diamonds inside you’ll find. Spending half the time Holding onto “what is mine” But there’s enough space and time To go around What goes around Comes around. It’s coming around It’s coming around. Love’s a cup that’s always full But with you, I’m not so sure A relentless push and pull While we look for what’s still pure. Maybe we’ll find a time capsule And welcome it to the future! Spending half the time Holding onto “what is mine” But there’s enough space and time To go around What goes around Comes around. It’s coming around It’s coming around. Now I need your antidote Only you can write that check Do you dare to cross my moat, And salvage this old shipwreck?!