Get out on the road Get out of your State into the Apple, the hour is late! Everyone trying to be the same; uniformed and smiles, miles of smiles. Goodbye to language and sympathies to a generation of intellectual amputees. Assimilation! Conformity! The last drops of a once half empty cup! I saw a glacier! I kissed it goodbye. We're making way for a much needed mini-mall, yep! Get out of your cage and onto your feet knock off the dust and your eyes are replete with new fascinations sweet and the sours! Polyformed and smiles, miles of smiles! Or goodbye to process and condolences to a generation of one winged worker bees. And where is the art in kissing their feet for the last drops of a twice half empty cup?! I saw a mountain! I walked to the top! I said goodbye to wide open spaces. You can sing aloud with all ears avow but no one hears if no one is listening. You punch, scream and kick and cry all over it, but no one hears if no one is listening. You can sing aloud with all ears avow but no one hears if no one is listening. You punch, scream and kick and cry all over it, but no one hears if no one is listening. Is nobody listening?