
I am I


I am i
I am a bird
I fly like one
I glaze the sky
& then touch the sun
I see yr heaven
& then see hell
My end may be calling
But who can tell…

I am your father
I hate u as a child
& when u grow up
Love to me u deny
Ill never win ur trust
No matter how hard i try

Im your government
Rape u of your life
If u try to hide truth
I can see ur insides
When ure nice & clean
U take away my pride
U make me feel like a whore
All the time u try

Im so confused
Don't know who i am
I don't give a damn
Say i am i

Im so perplexed
I just don't know who i am
I don't give a damn
In the end i am i

I am your brother
Looked out 4 u all yr life
The day that u did better
I wished that u would die
May be one day together
We can be like before
Where i loved u
For who u were

Im your little sister
Loved u more than my life
But the day that u left
Was over for u & i
No matter how i feel
Ill never trust anyone again

I am your country
Make u bleed for me
Take your blood from u
And the sell it for money
What the use of it all
When this is what i did
Make me proud for something
& then treat me like shit

Im so confused
Don't know who i am
I don't give a damn
Say i am i

Im so perplexed
I just don't know who i am
I don't give a damn
Say i am i