


Take no shit
Take no oppression
Bequeath fear
In the authorities that rule

Year after year
Of the same depression
Lets all move on
Fight whats wrong

Deprive yourself
No more repression
Free man
Will rule all now

Faith from all
Mother of expectation
Change yourself
The rest will all follow

In the end u take the fall
And blame it on the man beside u
He who never broke his wow
Took his bow & moved on
Why do u unleash ure mind
U know ull see emotions thru u
Time has come to do whats right
And to fight & show your might

There'll come a time
Options run out
The rights ones wrong
The wrong ones right
Strong minds stand
The weak fall down
You must win
All others down

In the end u take the fall
And blame it on the man beside u
He who never broke his wow
Took his bow & moved on
Why do u unleash ure mind
U know ull see emotions thru u
Time has come to do whats right
And to fight & show your might