Mystified the source of abyss, darned Met the host of whale and coffins, tunnel Vesper hour and leisure hour, fury Whom light never permit repose, hollow Rustled among them with the winds, blind It is however a shame to pray, contained Not for all, but for me, eyes Devise, hurling down my speech of shrines Recluse, riding down into the pain I claim Guard, seeing you brace I will revoke Immense, generous deep is all to blame Felt the heat closing in, walls Slept among the coldest soils, crowned Drawn into the dead vortex, reject Churned over the yawning void, faze Scene of unparalleled horror, bulkhead Flesh, flesh of the centipede, mengles Hymn of ache Agony Frowning me Purged and spurned Howl Ash Clouds Septic Miry Provoke the grim Creep from cross Dissolved Unemphatic Impalpable Hearts Despond Musking Tortoise Blew among those leaves Deep into vapour Inhaled the indefinite Beside the carrion Rows with golden oars The thawing wind Taking me back Into the far Orbit of illusion I was to be woed Priest that sanctified The sermon of demise It's a priestly lie Laid for deathly profits My mouthpiece My hand But I'm breaking up, my foot All the old tables, my stomach Down to the filthy muck No hands from the sky A spirit is dead Mourning for your pain Smirking signs Praising the unholy dead A spring of solitude Whisper to all in the dark lanes Crying with a frightful voice The spontaneous bark of globe Four fragrance of the future songs Flying, fluttering, creeping or leaping Towards the golden marvel