Bloom-e-doom-e-doom, bloom-e-doom-e-doom Bloom-e-doom-e-doom, bloom-e-doom-e-doom Now, two little clouds floatin' in the sky One was low and the other was high The high cloud said to the cloud below Come on now baby, come on let's go You're a little cool and i'm a little warm Let's get together, rockin' up a storm Bloom-e-doom-e-doom, bloom-e-doom-e-doom Rockin', rollin', plenty of room Now, we'll get together while still in form We'll get together, rockin' up a storm Oh, the cloud below said, you're too high Come on down and i'll sure try The high cloud said, well bless my soul That i'll do, we'll rock 'n' roll You're so cool and i'm so warm We'll get together, rockin' up a storm Bloom-e-doom-e-doom, bloom-e-doom-e-doom Rockin', rollin', plenty of room Now, we'll get together while still in form We'll get together, rockin' up a storm Bloom-e-doom-e-doom, bloom-e-doom-e-doom Oh, the high cloud called to his friend the wind Sailin' out and a-sailin' in To move him down to the cloud below The wind said, okay boy let's blow Two little clouds so cool and warm Gotta get together, rockin' up a storm Bloom-e-doom-e-doom, bloom-e-doom-e-doom Rockin', rollin', plenty of room Now, we'll get together while still in form We'll get together, rockin' up a storm Bloom-e-doom-e-doom, bloom-e-doom-e-doom Bloom-e-doom-e-doom, bloom-e-doom-e-doom