Tom: C A In all you'll see; F Was it that came down on me that night? A F A conjury, I held on to that moment in black Just to make it alive... Verse strumming intro F Am G Am2 E|-0--0---0---0---| B|-1--1---3---0---| G|-2--2---4---5---| D|-3--2---5---7---| A|-3--0---5---7---| E|-1--0---3---0---| *Note you hammer onto, then pull off of normal [Am] between the F's you play the [Am2] quickly when changing to the G [you slide the whole F up to the G] F [Am] F You sit out there in the coverin'- F [Am2] G In the baskings of the holy night G Am G And I was lucid and conscious G F And hovering like a firefly F [Am] F I’m lying stretched out on the canopy F [Am2] G It put it's arms out slow G Am G And I heard the whispers of silence G Floating down from the radio [Chorus] F So come on, come on I'm ready now G I got the feeling honey like I'm ready to roll... [ohhh] F You see I’m not gonna wait till the end of me G Cause I got the burning fire in the bed of my soul [ahhhh ohhh] [Verse 2] F [Am] F I saw the light from a kettle gun F [Am2] G 16 days under a Southern Sun G Am G And there were times when I thought that G F I wouldn't mind it if I lost my mind out there F [Am] F You wouldn't believe me if I told you so F G The things I saw were enough to make the man in me a man in me [Am2] G Mmm make a man of me [Chorus 2] F So come on, come on I’m ready now G Go get your things out honey, let’s get ready to roll... F Oh I can feel the wave coming over me G I’ve been waiting for this day too long just to let it all go... [Bridge] F As a child I was wonder-eyed Am At the thought that I might know F C G A life in the ecstasy of rock’n'roll O-oh-oh ... F Now taking it slow... I’m an arrow in a bow... G You’d think that I would know... What it is that makes me roll... [Chorus] F So come on, come on I'm ready now G I got the feeling honey like I'm ready to roll... [ohhh] F You see I’m not gonna wait till the end of me G Cause I got the burning fire in the bed of my soul [ahhhh ohhh] [Solo licks] #1 #2 E|--------------------------------------------------7b8------| B|--10-p8-h10-----------------10-p8-h10-----------8----------| G|-------------9--7---5--\2--------------9--7--h9------------| D|-----------------------------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------------| ************************************ | h Hammer-on | p Pull-off | b Bend | \ Slide down