I'm one of a kind, I'm never satisfied In peace getting high! Split, strike, smash, spice! Tonight it's time to get a 99 You will see how to speed up all the rhymes! That's ok no abuse, attitude! I know what to do! I pay for my consume, I don't need to prove! I refuse it! I choose what I use! Bring me something to relieve the pain Bring me something that I understand Bring me anything you can! Fuck you! I get in on my truck! Picking up my girlfriend Spending a few bucks Going to a motel, drive in, a hostel! Let's fuck getting high tonight till the morning comes! Life is hard enough to not have fun You can start it And when it starts it's done! Keep smiling! Hold your head up and straight! Be the same, always the same! Try not to blame everything, everyone! You're much better than this! You are not a bait to pay for other's mistakes! You need to take what it takes to break the chains! You don't need a chance to hide and be fake! Another innocent, thinking in revenge!