Please take me to heaven... With powdery show... Heiwa wo gasshou shiteru masumedia waga monoga wo de sekai wo sou Ore ni mo yokose yo rabuandopiisu mattaku Todoi chainai'n da hora Genjitsu mondai shakai wa kusatteru Tobioriru'n nara ima no uchi sa 1 2 3 go Now murder Kiss me hug me Rotten girl Now murder Kiss me kill me Rotten boy I'd like to be happily ! I'm wishing world peace ! I'll connent a hand and laugh each other Namida wo fuki na yo kimi wa hitori ja nai kara I'll connent a hand and love each other Kowagara nakute ii yo boku mo issho sa I'd like to be happily ! I'm wishing world peace ! I'll connent a hand and laugh each other Namida wo fuki na yo kimi wa hitori ja nai kara I'll connent a hand and love each other Kowagara nakute ii yo boku mo issho sa I'd like to be happily ! i'm wishing world peace ! I'll connent a hand and laugh each other Isshun no itami ga kimi wo koufuku e tsureteku yo I'll connent a hand and love each other Sayonara wa iwa nai de raise de matsu yo It's lacking in your brain Wakatteru wakatteru da kedo ne tsurai'n da Mou mi takunai'n da konna sekai konna boku dakara mou ? Let's go powdery show