You work so hard to build your own paradise Inhabited with nightmares and little children's cries The watches without watchmaker, the pointer stops And I'm loosing my connection with humanity Why would I save this vicious world? Poice, we all are marionette toys I hear the Unviverse voice A tone that mankind destroys When my body's broke up into particles I've horsed a pulsar and caught the solar winds Price of life is overestimated Galaxies spin perfectly The Earth is under my sway It's like a grain of sand for me (like a grain of sand for me) But I can't hold on this weight I am so sorry, I'm leaving away I'm the Ozymandias, the smartest guy of mankind! I will cure the sick breed and lead them to the light Here you see my greatest joke, my worked out global plan Millions for the milliards, folk, or the Earth will end its span Big cities, I will blow them up Big cities, I will blow them up for life! World that stands on bones only World that's breaking down slowly Doctor, you have to shoulder the blame The Earth is under my sway It's like a grain of sand for me (like a grain of sand for me) But I can't hold on this weight I am so sorry, a wrong way I've stepped the surface of Sun, and watched how time was born These human nature was done imprerfect I'll have to leave for sure