Born To Suffer


Born To Suffer

Let's try something new
I'm thinking of an old technique
I can't promise anything
Maybe snaptures of memory will come back
Maybe nothing will happen. Are you willing to try?

You are very relaxed, you hear only my voice
Your eyelips are getting heavy
Your arms and legs are getting heavy

I'm going to count to three. When I say three
You will be asleeping

You are sleeping

I know myself as the back of my hand
I can predict my every reaction, everything is predictable
My life has been cast in cement with airbags and seatbelts
I've done everything to reach this point and now that I'm here
I'm fucking bored

Of all those lives which one... Which one is the right one?
Each of these lives is the right one
Every path is the right path

What was it like when humanans were mortal?
We did everything we can't do in this dump and it was wonderful
We fell in love

I got to wake up!
I got to wake up!

As long as you don't choose, everything remains possible
Life is a playground or nothing

In chess it's called Zugzwang. When the only viable move
Is not to move