There's a place where the Summer will be As a legend long gone set free And this warms me beautifully Where the Sun cast shadows at night Where the day and evenings are bright The place where I belong Up North! Where the pine trees meet the sea Where the stormy sky will sing for me The place I wanna be Up north Fall my favorite season Death and rain and rain and rain Falling leaves and fallen stars As fallen men go back to start Death as life we hail Alone but not alone we sail Death give life and lead the way All energy remain Then Winter its you and me The winter is home to the dead alone With you I'll sleep with ease Take a moment to reflect and be Who you are and you are just another icebergs tip at sea You will melt eventually And the ocean will rise and the Sun crystallize you for the aftermath to see The spark of true eternity Clean as a new start set me free In your wisdom I'm lost what do I know of frost But I trust you know lost is lost Winter she is unforgiving as faith And then Spring you will shake Speed the circle and brake And create and create and create And the circle is now complete No end for an end to meet Nothing is obsolete Up North No end no end for an end to meet No end no end for an end to meet