
Leak -Truth, Yesnoyesnoyes-


I'll tell a secret to you, it's true
Suck it up, before it's gone
Hard to say? No, not really
But it's all a lie

I'll tell a secret to you, it's not true
You don't like it, do you?
It will meet your needs that's not true
Oh, it's scary, don't you believe it?

Lonelyheart ni itteinairowo
Undecidedness is forbidden

It was revised, seeking for a sign
The unreasonable has come
Asap, chase, run away, fact, all possible
Failing to tell is always possible

Lonelyheart ni itteinairowo
Orientation is forbidden

Ah, it's the gray soaked in similarity/analogy

Itteinisomaru Somaru Lonelyheart