Yes I hate myself
I hate you even more
That is why I'm scared
In case you eject

I don't understand
Please don't make me switch
Please don't make me switch
Stop being a bitch

I don't follow rules
I don't follow rules
I am on my own

You are causing hell
Stop being a bitch
Stop being a bitch
I'm doing it for you

This is sad
I can't think
You must be mad
Stop pushing me

This is sad
I can't think
You must be mad
Stop pushing me

I would run away from you
That is what I want to do

Emily, Emily, Emily

I am fully grown
I do not need you
I do not need you
Get out of my way

Get a proper job
Get off my back
Get off my back
Before I attack

Get a proper job
Get off my back
Get off my back
Before I attack

This is sad
I can't think
You must be mad
Stop pushing me

I would run away from you
That is what I want to do

Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily
Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily