It was gobbled up by everyone Trying to get its taste While i marched balking at How i had been so rudely placed Recommended was a bar Where we could feel alone Unsurrounded unadorned Unhappy and forlorn Never take sick advice From the lips of sick friends Following the sickness takes Its own unending end It's the land it is the land Swept over by the light Run with dogs and wave your arms And don't come home till night Does everybody talk about Another one at night Break a button open and Let lady see the light All the bones were slipping out Now i have brought me in Never let the weakness slip Into the trend again One of my family has a house She's offered me to stay And leave the love to everyone Whom obstacles waylay Never take the advice From the lips of sick friends Rather take it turn it round Till it suits your own ends You can lay me out a place It's time i had some love Have the ladies gather round And do me from above