Tom: Cm Cm it ain't enough to have been stripped and violated Time is rough and the scales are tipped and the loved becomes the hated Bb Weird has come and life to find I am dumb I am not kind Eb And I will be born again Again G I will be born again Again Eb I will be born again Again G Cm When you have done all of the things you said you'd never do and all acts of treason ring and you do not know you Bb Weird has come and life to find I am dumb I am not kind Eb And I will be born again Again G I will be born again Again Eb I will be born again Again G Cm Then every girl who thought you find steps from you in the street Knowing where there's left to go is not uneasy feat Bb Weird has come and life to find I am dumb I am not kind Eb And I will be born again Again G I will be born again Again Eb I will be born again Again