Tom: A Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 17:32:21 +0100 From: "MAQUET, Frederic F." Subject: b/bonham_tracy/* -------------------- All songs tabbed by Frederic Maquet All of it should be correct. I haven't put in all the solos, but then there aren't that many in the album....Playing it is pretty sound really cool...What a voice!! Hope you like it! Email me for corrections/comments!!! at * 1. Mother Mother 2. Navy Been 3. Tell it to the sky 4. Kisses 5. Brain Crack 6. The One 7. One Hit Wonder 8. Sharks Can't Sleep 9. Bullday 10. Every Breath 11. 30 seconds 12. The Real ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ---------- Tabbed by Frederic Maquet Verse 1: -------- A G# G F# G G# Mother Mother, how's the family? I'm just calling to say hello How's the weather, how's my father? Am I lonely? Heavens no. Mother mother, are you listening, just a phone call to ease your mind, Life is perfect, never better, distance making, the heart grow by, Chorus: (distorted) ------- E D C D Well you sent me off to see the world But you're scared that I might get hurt Would I try a little tobacco? Would I keep on hikin up my skirt? Bridge: ------- A (stop) A (stop) A (stop) I'm hungry, I'm dirty, I'm losing my mind, F# (add lots of sliding noise!) (scream)Everything's fine I'm freezing, I'm starving, I'm bleeding to death, Everything's fine! Verse 2: (same chords all the way through) -------- Yeah I'm working, making money, I'm just starting to build a name I can feel it, down the corner, I can make it any day... Mother mother, can you hear me? Sure I'm sober, sure I'm sane Life is perfect, never better, still your daughter, still the same. Chorus 2: (same chords as chorus 1) --------- Should I tell you what you want to hear? Will it help you to sleep well at night, Are you sure that I'm your perfect dear Now just cuddle up and sleep tight... Bridge: play 1st bridge End on: A (stop) A (stop) A (stop) I miss you I love you End.... Chords: ------- A 577655 or 002220 G# 466544 G 355433 F# 244322 E 022100 D x00232 or 557775 C 032010 or 335553 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ---------- Tabbed by Frederic Maquet Intro: ------ Electric e:--------------------------|-----| B:--------------------------|-----| G:--------------------------|play-| D:--------------------------|-----| A:--------------------------|-x4--| E:--3--3--6--3--6--3--1--2--|-----| then: Bass G:--------------------------|play-| D:--------------------------|-x4--| A:--------------------------|with-| E:---3--3--6--3--6--3--1--2-|elec-| Then: With electric: G Bb G F x4 Verse 1: -------- Bass: G Bb G F Navy been is bigger than it seems Put it on don't ask what it means (electric): G# A# G Bb G F Vibrate around Verse 2: (same progression as verse 1 unless indicated) -------- Cellophane is thicker than it seems Put it on don't ask what it means G# A# G Bb G F Vibrate around G# A# F# G# G Bb G F Vibrate oohohoho Vibrate G Bb G F Around Verse 3: (exactly the same progression as verse 1) -------- Shaving cream is thicker than it seems Shave'em off don't ask what it means Vibrate around Verse 4: (similar to verse 2) -------- An angel wing is caught up in the tree If you know what's best get the hell away from me G# A# F# G# Vibrate ohooho Vibrate G Bb G F Vibrate ohohoho Vibrate around |------------| play x3 Bridge: (slow, fingerpick the chords) ------- B Oh you little Navy Been, are you caught up in the tree? G G F# G G F# G Navy Been Navy Been (play above once more...) G G F# G G F# G Navy Been, Navy Been(scream) Solo is over: the chords G Bb G F Verse 5: repeat verse 2, with: -------- G Bb G F Vibrate around x4 Repeat intro...end on G. End. Chords: ------- G 355433 Bb 688766 F 133211 G# 466544 A# 688766 B 224442 F# 244322 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- --------------- Tabbed by Frederic Maquet Lyrics are a bit dodgy... Intro/Verse: (clean guitar) ------------ G B E e:--------------------------|--|---0--------| B:--------------------------|--|---0--------| G:--------0-----------4-----|--|---1--------| D:-----0-----------4-----4--|x3|---2--------| A:-----------0--2-----------|--|---2--------| E:--3-----------------------|--|---0--------| Verse 1: -------- G B It makes you reek G B It makes you strong G B E (single strum) Benine in your blood to burn It took your nights You took my star One I wished on last year Chorus: (heavy distortion man...) ------- A G# C AaaaaaaaHaaaaaAhhaaHAaaa x4 From the maaaan who sold the world F A A million-doller caddie worth Verse 5: same prog as verse 1 -------- So could you just bend right over To see how it feels, to be, to see, just how, it feels, to be alive Verse 6: same prog as verse 2 -------- And you'll get it over and over Coz god only know, that is The only one, the only one I'd mi-hihihind, I'd mi-hihihind the only one oh Chorus End. Chords: ------- G 320033 E 022100 F 133211 Dm x00231 D5 x0023x A 002220 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ----------- Tabbed by Frederic Maquet Intro/Verse: (clean guitar) ------------ D F# G E e:----------------------------------0--0--0----| B:----------3-----------------------0--0--0----| G:------2-------------3---------4---1--1--1----| D:---0-------------4---------5------2--2--2----| A:----------------------------------2--2--2----| E:--------------2---------3---------0--0--0----| D F# G E (rest) Verse 1: -------- D F# G E Saw a shark today D F# G E Ate a man and then, just swam away D F# G E But it wasn't OK D F# G E (rest) No it wasn't OK Verse 2: -------- Saw a snake today, Ate and burned your steak and squirmed away But it wasn't OK D F# G Bb (distortion kicks in for G and Bb) No it wasn't OK Chorus: (distortion) ------- D F# G E No -ho, No -ho, No -ho, No-ho x2 D F# G E But it wan't OK D F# G E (rest) No it wasn't OK Verse 3: (same chord progression as verse 2) -------- Met a star today Looked like flesh and bone and tooth decay But it wasn't OK No it wan't OK Chorus 2: --------- Same as chorus 1 with: D F# G E No it wasn't OK x2 Break: (play x2) ------ A A? A A? G F# G F#? e:----------------------------------| B:----------------------------------| G:------6--6--6--6----4--4--4--4----| D:------7--7--7--7----5--5--5--5----| A:------7--6--7--6----5--4--5--4----| E:------5--5--5--5----3--3--3--3----| Wowowowo Wowowowo A A? A A? G F# G F# A A? A A? G F# G F# Nohowoah, Nohowoah, no, not I A A? A A? G F# G F# F Nohowoah, Nohowoah, not me Verse 4: (play as verse 2) -------- Ate a man today Ate a man and then just walked away But iwasn't OK No it wasn't OK End on CHORUS Chords: D x00232 or 557775 F# 244322 G 355433 or 320033 E 022100 Bb 688766 or 113331 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ----------- Tabbed by Frederic Maquet Intro: (Fast, heavy distortion) ------ G D B C x2 Verse 1: (G D B C for each line) -------- G D B C You've got a ro-ocket Inside your bullet head I've seen you walking C D Baaaahaaby G D B C Your natural greyness Has never done you wrong You showed that sweet old C D Laaahaaaady Chorus: -------- G B C A Who's got the bull down low owoahwoah G B C A Who's got the bull down low G B C Eb Who's got the bull down be-low G D G (quick succession) Verse 2: (like verse 1) -------- You talk of genius I feel an undertow Which head of yours is Dragging down? One made of lettuce Is smarter than you both You fooled that man whole Anyhow Chorus x2 --------- Break: ------ E F# G A He'll bend you over, little red rover Bend you right over, some Casanova Go to your mama, little Chiwouaoua Get back to your mama, little Chihuahua Chorus x2 --------- End ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------------- Tabbed by Frederic Maquet Verse 1: -------- F D See you running and it's all over now F D The devil's coming and he's showing us how Eb G Eb G He's going down on the street, like, it's such a cool sight F D The lizard king is here and where are you now? F D Monkey Brain is here and he's showing us how Eb G He's going down on a cool bike, Eb G F E And I am loosing sight Chorus 1: --------- D G D G D And every day is like the one before G D G D Yeah it's like the one before G D G D G F D You get it right you'll breath no mooooore Verse 2: (same prog as in verse 1) -------- I saw my shadow on the blackest of nights Sometimes I push me right out of the lights So I'm down on the (get right?), and I am loosing You're here to tempt me, and it's all looking new To keep me from running just to try something new I'm going down on the floor right, I am right behind Chorus 2: --------- Play chorus 1 with: D G F no more x3 Instrumental: (violins) -------------- F D x2 Eb G Eb G F G# Chorsu 3: --------- Play chorus 1 then chorus x2 D end on "no more" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------------ Tabbed by Frederic Maquet Intro: ------ G e:---3--3---------------|----|-------| B:---3--3---------------|----|-------| G:---4--4---------------|-x3-|-------| D:---5--5---------------|----|---5---| A:---5--5---4--4--4h5p4-|----|---5---| E:---3--3---------------|----|---3---| Verse 1: -------- A7 C7 A7 C7 For every stone, there's a rock waiting someone's A7 C7 A7 C7 Head, hear it come and you'll wish you had two heads G7 Bb7 30 seconds x2 A7 C7 A7 Tell half your soul and you'll realise that you are Chorus: ------- G A7 riff e:---------------------------------| B:---------------------------------| G:-----4---------------------------| x3 D:-----5----------5---5------------| A:-----5----------4---4----4h5p4---| E:-----3----------5---5------------| Noohoa one G A7 (riff) Noohoa one x3 G No one Verse 2: -------- For every star, there's another one that's fading Fading away, hating every bit of light 30 seconds x2 One day the sun and the rest you're sending ants to Chorus 2: --------- G A7 No-hoa one x3 G (pause) A7 (riff) No one G A7 Out of my way A7 G#7 Four you know you're G A7 Out of my way x3 Verse 3: -------- For everyone, there's another one that's stronger So, out you go, like the trash that you drug in 30 seconds x2 Paving the way, for the ones that made you feel like Chorus 3: --------- G A7 (riff) No-hoa one x3 G (pause) A7 (riff) No one G A7 (riff) Out of my way A7 G#7 Four you know you're G7 F#7 Out of my way x3 Chords: These are a bit weird ------- A7 545xxx or 002020 C7 032310 G7 32300x or 353433 G 320033 or 355433 Bb7 656xxx or 113131 G#7 434xxx or 464544 F#7 212xxx or 242322 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------------ Tabbed by Frederic Maquet Intro: ------ A C A C e:------------------------|--------------| B:------------------------|--------------| G:------------------------|--play-lots---| D:------------------------|--------------| A:----4---///-7---4-//--7-|--------------| E:----5--////-8---5-//--8-|--------------| Aaaaa Aaa a - Haaaa (etc...) Verse 1: -------- A C F E G I know the sons are wrong, to wake their dad A C F E You got, if anything, a bigger head D E A Most likely to perform, was who I knew D E C But now it's you that I have to know Verse 2: (same progression as verse 1) -------- Tell me who you know, has got away Sweet little who you know, lives in L.A. Most likely to conceive was who I knew But now it's you that I have to know Chorus: ------- A F C Only the real world A F C It's so unreal A C F E (single strum) Only the real is rea-he-eal Verse 3: -------- Pocket the business card, be on your way Pocket the smiling face, and save the day Most likely to perform, was who I knew But noew it's you that I have to know Chorus x2 --------- Play intro, and fade out.... Chords: ------- A 002220 C 032010 F 133211 E 022100 G 320033 D x00232 ------------------------------------------------------------------------