Watching you throwing stones inside glass houses Makes me think that you're in for a surprise... Your little house of cards is destined to crumble. Your thoughts they lack of common sense. Bridge Fail to understand What's on a fascist's mind? Refrain Fascist pig you're so lame You better run now! Fascist pig (you're) just full of Inferiorty complexes Fascist pig raised to lose To smash some faces aaarrrggghhh! Fascist pigs it's far too late Get outta this place somehow! It must be so easy - to draw the line. "eliminate the weak!" - that's your war cry? Just tell me honestly, you think it's brave To hunt minorities? proud of your race? Bridge Fail to understand What's on a fascist's mind? Refrain Fascist pig you're so lame You better run now! Fascist pig (you're) just full of Inferiority complexes Fascist pig raised to lose To smash some faces aaarrrggghhh! Fascist pigs it's far too late Get outta this place somehow! No more fascist pigs! (16x)