Life or death. Whatcha gonna do when murda comes for you? Ring the alarm, Ring-a-ling-a-ling the alarm. Feel the thunder in the sky. We've partied overtime. No more evil paradise, we've partied overtime. Krayzie: And this will all in time come before the days of our last breadand wine, have you thought of dyin'? My, my, my, have ya thought of dyin'? If not, visualize. If you feel me, then ya better wake up, [wake up,wake up, wake up]. If you feel me, then ya better get up [get up, get up,get up, get up]. Wish: Can you visualize your own death? Could ya imagine breathin'your last breath? I bet ya, ya can't. You don't wanna stay. Dear Lord,can I stay? Krayzie: Armageddon, it's comin'. Yes, it's comin'. Now, look what we'vedone. What have we brought on amongst ourselves? Why the hell wefollow evil footsteps? They'll be no mercy [mercy, mercy, mercy,mercy, mercy]. Evil is lurkin', lurkin', lurkin'. You can run, butcan't escape from the beast, no. Tooken by that snake in the grass, thatsnake in the grass, [tooken by] that snake in the grass. Slither, slickin'niggas' ass. Layzie: Fast blast, I need my cash, 'cause my days of livin' broke is allin the past. So I gotta keep my mind up on my money. It's survival of thefittest. Could I be one of the realest like the days of drug dealin' likein '89? Now, it's almost 1999, new millenium. Fuck the law, 'cause theybe winnin' 'em. Send them demons straight to hell, let them burn inHades. Brutal enough, we go to jail. Lord, bless our babies. Lord,please bless our babies. Wish: Who it be givin' you that shit ya love? Who it be givin' youthat new shit ya never heard of? Clap your hands for Bone, everybody. Clapyour hands for Bone, everybody. St. Clair wig split, wig split, wetakin' over. Better roll with this shit, with this shit, or get rolled over,rolled over. So we puttin' it down for B-O-N-E. Anybody wants to get checkedby my Mo Thugsta army. We deadly. Krayzie: Ring the alarm. Ring-a-ling-a-ling the alarm. Feel the thunder in the sky. We've partied overtime. No more evil paradise, we've partied overtime. Life or death. Whatcha gonna do when murda comes for you? Ring the alarm. Ring-a-ling-a-ling the alarm. Feel the thunder in the sky. We've partied overtime. No more evil paradise, we've partied overtime.