Layzie: It's all about Mo Trues Humbly United Gathering Souls. Babi Boi,my Angel, Daddy'll meet you at the Crossroads [Crossroads]. Bizzy: Babi Boi . . . Layzie: Mind of a souljah, mind of a souljah, release and feel me. [Everybody] Everybody by now you should know my label, mythugsta, these things guidin' your struggles. All it is, is about thishustle, whatever it takes to piece this puzzle, why declare war on thesefakers and haters eliminate us, traitors (...?...) These are the daysof our lives [lives]. Do or die, (that died to Boo--he go bye) whom die theylie in the face of our society. Tried a (?) attempt to quiet me, and got anation that's down to ride with me. Here's the deal, can I get awitness? It's deeper than survival. Who am I? My brother's keeper? Yeah, Ibe clutchin' on my Bible, willing to die. The wicked is near me,dearly departed, but nobody hears me. 'Cause we all gon' fall inmisery. It's so serious, it bring tears to me. Here's to the street, like a dropto the beat, creepin' up my block. I'm already knowin' a nigga wanna do me,so I stay strapped. (Don't pose for the cop), crooked cops, they gonnaharass me, ask me the same ol' bullshit questions, knowin' I'm a thug, (willbust a gauge), keepin' a pistol in my possession, but a thuggish ruggishsoldier like myself gon' move on, and prevail, avoid jail, collect mymill with my Bones, splittin' domes. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, don't make me hurt ya. Come on, come on, come on, comeon, come on, come on, come on, come on, all about that bloodymurder. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, make a move and I'll have to hurt ya. Come on, come on,come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, all about that bloody murder. Bizzy: Baby Boi . . . Layzie: Mind of a souljah, mind of a souljah, release and feel me. (Stick to this dance) and struggle, addicted to trouble, we nevergoin' change. My (?), thugs, see. Soldiers, I think we must be toO.G. (?) loves thee. Mama plead my family tree never helped a mother comeup, seen it was hard tryin' to bring her sons up--they dwelled on theworse and ate nothin' for done up, comin' up, made it, eternal, in thestruggle. Thank God. I'm a count my blessin', trouble but never nostressin', just started a lesson, 'cause life will be runnin' that test andbetter off in a cell. See a nigga walkin' the streets, and they label usfoolish. Trouble 'cause I always knew this, while the rest of my days I livin' inRuthless. Fuck what you're thinkin', law, my Judge is up Heaven. Look atmy stomach and see the "7," even scares us how I'm bailin',rebellin', tellin' y'all nothin' but a soldier tell, critic can kiss my ass. Imight go to thinkin' about my past, get mad, I reach in my stash and blast. Fuck all y'all that treated a nigga like we wasn't shit, and soon as wehit, now what do we get? These fake-ass niggas tryin' to get in our click, allon our dick, but you can miss me, actin' phony in my presence, love itor leave it. You can't believe it. It ain't that season. Get tosteppin', hater. Only Mo Thug allowed, say it loud, Mo Thug and I'm proud. MoThug and I'm proud. Loud! Proud! Loud! Proud! Bizzy: Baby Boi . . . Layzie: Mind of a souljah, mind of a souljah, release and feel me. Better watch for the nightfall when them come, better watch outfor the night stormers. No light's in sight when them run, but themlights would warned ya. Caught ya slippin' up out of your game, playa. Wasteland soldier, see what we facin', chasin' po-po on the hood likeJason, casin' your (?), fin to blow your station instantly. Fin to be WorldWar 3, ya can't fuck with my family, try to test a man, and wesingle-handedly take over your mind and the rest of the planet. See, I'll be damnedif we surrender, a G that's still no pretender, put it all down, make'em all remember: deep in Hell is where I'll send ya. Welcome to theLand of more endo. We smoke. We choke. You know we blaze. Break outany cup with the pipe, what's up? Parlay, come around my way. Lay,keep it real. Keep it real. Peace be still, time after time, can'tforget that money, man, that money, man. Mo' money be on my mind, bottom line. Bizzy: Baby Boi . . . Layzie: Mind of a souljah, mind of a souljah, release and feel me.