Tom: A

                             A NTERN - Meat Puppets
Tabbed by: rickmbt

Tuning: Standard



D               A
 The moon won't rise
D             A                E
 It turns to dust in my eyes
Bm               D
 Dust in my eyes, dust in my eyes
Bm                 D        E
 Dust in my eyes, dust in my eyes

 A       D      E
 In the Canyon, getting hard to see the light
 A        D       E                    A
 Bring a lantern, setting a fire to the night

D                   A
 The water's still dry
D                 A          E
 I can't get the mud from my eyes
Bm                D
 Mud from my eyes, mud from my eyes
Bm                 D        E
 Dust in my eyes, dust in my eye

 A       D      E
 In the Canyon, getting hard to see the light
 A        D       E                    A
 Bring a lantern, setting a fire to the night
 A       D      E
 In the Canyon, getting hard to see the light
 A        D       E                    A
 Bring a lantern, setting a fire to the night

Solo = D A D A E Bm D Bm D E  then intro x2

D               A
 The cold dark bites
D              A           E
 The pair of things in my sight
Bm               D
 Dust in my eyes, dust in my eyes
Bm                  D          E
 Dust in my eyes, things in my sight

 A       D      E
 In the Canyon, getting hard to see the light
 A        D       E                    A
 Bring a lantern, setting a fire to the night
 A       D      E                                (x3)
 In the Canyon, getting hard to see the light
 A        D       E                    A
 Bring a lantern, setting a fire to the night


| /   slide up
| \   slide down
| h   hammer-on
| p   pull-off
| ~   vibrato
| +   harmonic
| x   Mute note
| b   Bend
| pb  Pre-bend
| br  Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend