Tom: Em Intro (Chorus) : G (make sure you hit the G on the High E string for the fingerstyle) | C | B | C | G | D | C Try to get out the fingerstyle by ear, (i find it kinda pointless to write it out unless it's a guitar pro tab) but if you can't it also sounds fine with just strumming in some kind of the same rythm. Verse : You can try using C major instead of the add9 chord(and vice versa), whatever sounds better to your ear, but i think this is the more correct way to play it. So that's basically it, not really difficult when you strum, but the fingerstyle is kinda hard to get for a beginner, i had a half decent way playing it but I don't really know what's going on with the bass strings all the time. for singing along it really does sound fine with strumming the chords. Oh and for the little bridge in the middle it's just an A Major Chord and then on the first time 2-3-5(or open D String) and 2-3-2-3 on the second time on the A-String. This is my first ever tab transcribed and only by ear, I didn't watch any videos to E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Cadd9 Insanity... is our saving grace... Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Cadd9 Like cannonballs... exploding in space... Dsus2 Cadd9 Dsus2 Cadd9 And everyone... is lying in bed... Dsus2 Cadd9 Happily, they're swallowing feathers Chorus: G C B C G Amazing... just a taste of blood Dsus2 C I tried to slap the face of an alien G C B C G Amazing... everyone's requiring a taste of blood Dsus2 C I'd like to say you're amazing Verse : Suddenly I'm feeling quite well Lovely, the sickening smell And everyone is lying in bed Happily, they're swallowing feathers Chorus: Amazing, just the taste of blood I tried to slap the face of a changeling Amazing, everyone's requiring a taste of blood I'd like to say you're amazing Verse: Suddenly I'm feeling quite well Lovely, the sickening smell And everyone is lying in bed Quietly, they're swallowing feathers Chorus: Amazing, just the taste of blood I tried to slap the face of an alien Amazing, everyone's requiring a taste of blood I'd like to say you're amazing (same pattern as chorus here) Goddamn the human ape Everyone's requiring a taste of blood Chorus: Amazing, just the taste of blood I tried to slap the face of an alien Amazing, everyone's requiring a taste of blood I'd like to say you're amazing