I. DRANK MYSELF TO DEATH We got a bottle of Jim Beam and started drinking. I drank a liter. To distract me from my constant overthinking I need a breather. You built this up your head. The pressure. Relax, don't think too much 'cause you can't take this. Well, I relaxed with liquor. The pressure has gone away, But baby, I can't see shit. It's not the same to me when falling on my face. It's not the same to me when I finally drank myself to death. Enter the shaking, man, I should'va eaten something. Enter the crying. "My life is useless and I won't amount to nothing." Better start dying. You built this up your head. The pressure. Relax, don't think too much 'cause you can't take this. Well, I relaxed with liquor. The pressure has gone away, But baby, I can't see shit. It's not the same to me when falling on my face. Wrap me up in sheets, There's nothing left to see here. I should be old enough to know (better better) And I should be young enough to Not take everything so seriously I should be smart enough to Know that doing this is dangerous This mixing anxious energy with Drunk ferocious carelessness. ??? I finally drank myself to death. I finally drank myself to death. It's turned to laughs. I'm turning red outside on Cedar St. It's twenty-two degrees. I'm screaming: "M-I-N-N-E-A-P-O-L-I-S CAN KISS MY ASS IN HELL" I've built you up in my head And now you've started a war in my head. And the soldiers are falling down. And you din't even try to win. Aw, fuck. II. TRUE 'TIL COLLEGE Get me a friend or a smoke Or a hospital or a suicide pill. Get me a million dollar record deal So I can end this charade. Cause I, I keep writing the same song over again, Over and over and over and over again. Yeah I, I keep writing the same damn song over again. Over and over and over and over again. And it feels like heroin. I just got addicted to Demanding your attentio For my trite repetition. And I can't stop thinking about The first songs I ever wrote Where I swore off alcohol 'cause I knew better. And I can't stop feeling like That "straight edge" shit became a cult But I'm kidding myself by believing That the bar scene is any better. And I, I keep writing the same damn song over again. Over and over and over and over again. And it feels like there's nothing left at all.