Full speed along the North Oconee River. I can feel it in my forehead and while that always fails, my lungs are getting clearer. I see trucks racing by on the roof above my trail, cops are waiting to ticket anyone with out-of-state plates. I'm not missing anything. Swore off all prescribed medication and rode two miles through nowhere to a water fountain spitting out hot water. I sit at a bench at a compost heap and I'm about to pedal up a sixty degree slope. At the top of a hill at a very rapidspeed there's only one place to go. At the top of a hill at a very high speed there's nowhere to go but down. And it gets easier as I ascend my bike uphill on foot 'cause last time I kicked it into first I broke a gear by going too hard. And it gets easier as I pass the Edward Scissorhands village where privileged white kids date rape girls and taunt me in their SUV's. And it gets easier as I see the double vans in our driveways, I'm glistening but I know that some day I won't even break a sweat. And it gets easier, as time goes things can only get better. R-I-D-E. I wanna ride.