


My end 'neath the evergreens
An emerald funeral
Where the sky courts my breath
The boughs sing for me
Drunk with wind they lull my eyes to ebb

Oaken heart

Myriad eyes of the great host
Beaming, summoning
My shield arm becoming weightless
As my conscience drifts away

Leave this world behind
The vanquished mortal tomb
Reborn a star divine
Eternal glory

Weep not when they fall
The noble, fair and strong
Their names do cherish well
For all good days to come

Flames lick the skin of the dead to maiden song
The fathers await my return in the golden hall
They sing for their fallen son in spirits high
A blazing heart and walking tall
I smile and abide

The sworddancer's elegy
Mother lays son aside father to rest
Iron and destiny
The remission of flesh
Unto the earth that birthed it's end

This battle is all but won
To neglect your sword is self-betrayal

Mother, forgive my vices
Hold me one last time
Mother, do not despair
See you on the other side