Idols of gold-plated excrement Rendered spurious by a hammer so real Habitués kneeling delirious Parched tongues begging for peace Heed the blood It’s voice furious Pulse erupting Invoke the flood Render them spurious Sky collapsing Altars of arid schizophrenia Worm-ridden whores to the wind Harlots of the commandments Sandblasted lungs gasping for truth Washed away by tides of blood Cleansed are they in times of flood Let us pray for what once was Deserts of dogmatic futility Awash with a forgotten past Mono-God in ruinous corpulence Humble prey in the throes of reality Summits drown Tides have turned Lies and drought Washed away, forever purged Thief and fool King and coward No man shall Walk away on this day of flood