Bolt Thrower

War Master Intro

Bolt Thrower

Tom: G

R-22222222222222-4-3-0-6-3-0-|  X6
   ...... ......       .  (dots mean palm mutes)

|-2------5----------| X4   love this riff!!!!

|-2222222222222250000003000000 X4  kind of the same as the first riff,
   ...... ...... ...... ......        but with a different ending...

|-|-----------------------------|  this is the bit where it breaks down to one
|-|-----------------------------|   guitar playing this sick riff..."horns up"
|2|222-------5---222-------5----| X6
   ...           ...

|---------------------------------|       this is the tremolo picky bit :P
|-000---------000---000-----------| X4

|------------ pinch ------------------|
|------------ harm. ------------------|      WARMASTUUUUURR!!
|-00000002000000 000000---------------| X8
   ...... ...... ......

|------------------------------|       well, nothing much to say about this one...
|6-00-0--00-0-3-5-6-5-3--------| X8
   ..    ..

|-------------------------------------|       this is a random little fill...
|-------------------------------------|        BEWARE!! the timing is very
|2--3-2--5-2-7-8--5-2--5-7------------|           strange on this bit...!!
|0--1-0--3-0-5-6--3-0--3-5------------| X1

|----------------------------------|      WAAARR!! MMAAA!!! STTUUURR!!!
|2--3-2--8-5\6--2--3-2-5-7---------|5    note: the second time this riff is played
|0--1-0--6-3\4--0--1-0-3-5---------|3 X3  you just play the 5th fret powerchord
                                instead of sliding down to the 3rd fret.

|-----------------------    this little tune is played under the solo--|
|2----0-1-0--3----0-1-0------------------------------------------------|    i suck at 
but i think i'll give it
|0--0--------1--1------------------------------------------------------| X8   a go 
just for you guys ;-)


|-\17~ -------- bend up ------------------------------|
|-----------------------15-14~ --14-15----15----------|

   bend up     play bent note
|-22(24)-(24)-(24)(24)(24)(24~)-19\20/19-16-14~ (16)(16)(17)(17)14\15/14 12~-|

 then back to the tremolo picky riff which plays under the next solo, which is basically
and random notes. I will try and tab it...

|-17435-08-3-89 =809mb----------5368798709760---------|
|-90370987n nnoooooooooooooooooooo RRAAARRGHHH!!------|

               PERFECT!! right, then this riff plays...

|-22----------------| X8

| bend up ---------------------harm. -----------------------|
|-15(17)-15~--12\13/12 12\13/12 17~ ------------------------|
|----------------------------------------tremolo picking ---|

then some more random notes and feedback, then it goes into this riff...

|------------------------------|       back to this beastie, then the song finishes
|-----2-----2------------------|       on an open E chord, or whatever it's called
|6-00-0--00-0-3-5-6-5-3--------| X8    in this tuning...
   ..    ..

if you've go this far, give yourself a pat on the back, well done mate!!    have fun
the song and remember to STAY METAL!!!!